My first baby was born at home, with a certified nurse midwife and obstetrical nurse in attendance.
I'm really glad I went this route. Delivery was easier in my home.
I was allowed to deliver in a standing position so that gravity helped me more. The midwife, unlike a doctor, was willing to sit on the floor behind me and catch the baby.
I was more comfortable at home. There weren't bright lights, IV, fetal monitors, or strangers coming in and out.
I also was allowed to do my pushing stage of labor in the shower, which was more comfortable and the warm water in the shower simulated my body to release oxytocin naturally. Artificial pitocin increases pain and complications in labor.
Despite the fact that science shows that episiotomies increase tearing, a lot of doctors still do them. The midwife didn't.
Also, the midwife supported me in my desire not to have pain relieving drugs, by reminding me when I was in transition that I could do this with the right attitude.
I really feel this midwife saved me from an unnecessary cesarean.
Also I was allowed to sleep in bed with the baby right away. This created a more intense bond.
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