Monday, March 23, 2020

opinions about the effects of free tuition

I keep getting asked on Quora about my opinion about free tuition.  I figured I had better remember where I put my answer, so that I can link to it more easily and not have to repeat myself.

Here's the link to my answer 

Here's a transcript of what I said

I spoke with a taxi driver in NYC who was originally from Egypt and who was an attorney in Egypt. He said that in Egypt there is no tuition, so many people have useless degrees. It does not guarantee employment there at all. He did not feel that he could make as good of a living as an attorney in Egypt as he could as a cab driver in the USA.
I studied in France, where tuition was also free. There, education was essentially rationed, by triage. They weeded out students based on competitive examinations and expelled large percentages of students based on lower scores.
The value of education in the USA has, in the past, come from scarcity. There are currently too many college graduates and not enough people with vocational education in the USA. As a result, there are shortages of people in skilled trades. Unfortunately, entry into many of these trades is governed by a corrupt old boy network.
Therefore, imho, free education will be worth less than education you have to pay for.
That is not to say that it is worth nothing. If you are trying to get a job, an employer is going to be much more impressed by a degree than by your statement that you self-studied in a library.
If you’re planning to start your own business, self-study might be adequate, though, again, if you’re trying to get a small business loan from a bank, they might like to see a degree as well.

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