she steals Sanders' lines but her record is telling: 09/19-Warren quietly turns to Hillary Clinton for help
08/19-Warren tells the establishment elites that she will not challenge their power
08/19-She holds $10,000 private fundraiser dinner with big donors after criticizing others for the same
05/19-Warren called on more funding to military budget, calling it a climate plan as cover
04/19-Warren took $175,000 from big donor after promising not to during the primaries
02/19-Warren flip-flopped on her stance regarding sanctions on Venezuela
02/19-She qualified pledge on not taking big donor money to the primaries only. General election is ok
09/17-Warren voted for giving trump MORE than he requested for the defense budget
11/16-Warren is silent on the Dakota Access Pipeline protests,
09/16-Warren signed right-wing lobbyist group AIPAC letter urging Obama to veto resolutions in Israel
01/15-She took money from hedge fund millionaire in exchange for praising his company, Better Markets
08/14-Warren defended Israel bombing schools and hospitals, and her vote to send Israel $225 million
09/12-She lied about helping asbestos victims, but she helped the company get immunity from future suits
01/96-Warren leaves republican party, saying they used to support "level playing field". When, Reagan years?
07/95-Warren helped Dow Chemical get out of liability to breast implant victims
05/95-She attempted to overturn ruling that said LTV Steel had to pay former employees what was owed
06/90-She helped corporation buy and liquidate company instead of saving it, leaving many out of work
08/80-She argued that utility companies are over-regulated, in spite of consumer advocate concerns.
I've crossed out some aspects that I know are false.
WAPO about Warren's DNA
re: asbestos
WAPO about Warren's litigation while a Harvard Professor
(I actually hadn't know she was a Harvard Professor.)
re: breast implants
WAPO on Warren and corporate bankruptcies
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