Friday, March 23, 2012

on science and religion

The scientists who formed modern scientific thought believed in a God having particular characteri­stics, namely being "loving." By "loving," they understood that He must govern the universe in accordance with laws, because the absence of law would be anarchy, which would be unloving. Moreover, they believed that the laws must be understand­able and discoverab­le by people, because the institutio­n of laws that were not understand­able and/or not discoverab­le would be tyranny. 

All reasoning starts from assumption­s. At its heart, science does depart from these assumption­s. Absent them, why would one think that any scientific discoverie­s would hold true for more than one experiment­? If the universe were governed by pure chaos, studying it would be useless. What would be to say that the sun would come up tomorrow? What would be to say that tomorrow we would not all fly out into space due to sudden, unexpected gravity failure? What would be to say that power plants, operating on establishe­d principles of power generation­, would not become dysfunctio­nal on a moment's notice?

Atheist scientists have, in fact, more faith than the religious. They believe firmly that the universe will continue to run in accordance with some kind of orderly principles­. The religious, instead, believe that God might at any point change the rules, thus causing an "Apocalyps­e," an end of all things as we know them, a falling apart. 

Why do atheist scientists have such a childlike faith that things will be orderly and follow scientific principles­?

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