My 7 novels: "The Story of S___;" "When Alice Met Her Favorite Movie Star in an Elevator," "The Pop Star and the Child Prodigy," and "Elves in Detroit" Books 1-4. This blog has essays and poetry. My twitter: @AnnalisseMayer; Goodreads:; Linkedin: NB: Annalisse Mayer is a pseudonym
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Cancer and the positivity police
I think I feel good about chemo, because I can feel it helping. Last summer, when I had an undiagnosed tumor, I could feel that something was wrong when I was hiking. I felt more tired and depressed. I think depression is a symptom of cancer.
Two weeks after my first chemo, I could feel that lifting. The same thing happened when I was in chemo before.
I think this business about positive attitude helping cancer patients mixes up cause and effect. If the treatment is working, the patient feels better and is more positive. The patient who is not benefiting from treatment is still feeling down, because the cancer is still dragging on their system.
I find this whole positivity police thing very oppressive and abusive towards cancer patients. Cancer patients should not be told that they are at fault for their disease because of their poor attitudes. This is absurd and cruel.
SO true! I remember overhearing a judgmental conversation in a public restroom where one woman was talking about repressed anger causing cancer. I wish I had had the nerve to say what I was thinking, which was, "And what disease is caused by self-righteousness?"