Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 Some questions I found myself asking God in prayer today

Why do you want evil to win?

Why do you want all these people spreading disinformation on the Internet?

Why do you want people polluting this beautiful planet to the point of uninhabitability?

Are you a loving God?

What is it that you love? and why?

Do you love?

Are you inanimate?

Are you random?

Do you play dice with the universe?

Do you prefer random disasters?

Are they exciting?

Do you feel?

Do you like excitement?

Do you get bored?

Are we entertainment?

Are we like a toy?

Why am I obsessed with the actor represented by Gemini Travesia?

Why does he seem to be not real?

Is it ok to engrave a rock during mfw?

Is it ok to get in a car and burn gas to go to an entertainment venue?

Is it ok to get in a car and burn gas to worship?

What should I be doing with my life?

Monday, October 21, 2024

#GeminiTravesia alternate reality?

 When I wrote my second novel, When Alice Met Her Favorite Movie Star in an Elevator, the real movie star who I was fantasizing about was in his late 30's.  The novel was, essentially, what we would now call "fan fiction;" but, at that time, I had never heard the term "fan fiction."

I was very worried about the fact that I did not have permission to use the real name of this movie star -- and that he might be upset if I used it -- or appeared to be writing about him.  I decided to change his name to Gemini Travesia and also some facts about his life.

In this way, I tried to divorce my fantasies about him from the real man.  The fantasies weren't really about him.  They were about me.

One thing I realized from my first two novels was that I believed that the only way I could win the love of someone important would be to rescue him from some emotional crisis.  I got this idea based on my dysfunctional relationship with my mother.  She suffered from mental illness all her life.  When I was small, she used me as a little psychiatrist -- something I have since learned to call "emotional incest."

This was my only experience of earning someone's love.  My father, from what my mom later told me, had never wanted children.  He was distant, harsh, hypercritical.  

In some sense, in my fantasies, the movie star represented him.  He was the star in my life.  In some subconscious way, I transferred my experiences with my mother onto my fantasies of the star who represented my father.  

When I saw this pattern in my first two novels, which was about the time when I first joined #OvereatersAnonymous and started inventorying myself, I was displeased.  I came to believe that I should feel lovable, without engaging in some dramatic rescue.  

One good thing about the first two novels was that they seemed to get the obsessive fantasies about certain celebrities out of my head.  

Now, tho, the fantasies about the real movie star -- on whom Gemini Travesia was based -- have returned. I am thinking I should write them down again.

Now, in reality, I have never met this movie star -- nor do I ever expect to.  He has never even seen me, much less fallen in love with me.  Therefore the relationship he had with Alice Martin -- who represented me -- in the book has never occurred.  Moreover, we're 20 years later.

Therefore, if I started writing again, it would have to be an alternate reality -- one where Gemini Travesia has not yet met Alice Martin, and he's now older, with more failed relationships under his belt.

One way I could write about this alternate reality might be to start X accounts based on the characters.  I've heard that writers sometimes do that.  There would have to be a choice of whether the characters would actually be reliving the plot of the book -- and therefore acting as publicity for the book -- or whether they would be living in a new reality.

I decided to go on Bing image creator and create some possible images of Gemini Travesia to use as an avi on X.  I liked this first one best -- most like the guy I was actually fantasizing about.  I particularly loved those gloves.  I had to go out and buy some a bit like that for myself. 

But then I thought I really needed someone older, because it's 20 years since I wrote the book.  

And maybe with a bit of a smirk -- as the real star has such a beautiful smile.

Now, the real actor I was fantasizing about was white, but somehow that last photo has the smile I was looking for -- a bit mischievous.  I suppose I could make the new Gemini Travesia black, tho that wasn't really what I had in mind.

Bing gave me more images

Do they all look a bit gay?  I often wonder whether the handsomest actors must be gay.  I feel like straight men all look a bit less angelic than the gay men, with more irregular features and more concavity in their cheeks.

Of course, in my mind, none of them quite cuts it, as none of them is the actual movie star that I'm fantasizing about.  

Anyway, I'm not quite ready to start another X account -- tho I may do it.

That second novel remains the one I've gotten the most positive feedback on.  When I wrote it, I was horribly embarrassed that I was spending so much energy fantasizing about celebrities.  Now I realize that a lot of people fantasize about celebrities -- that the whole entertainment industry is based on fantasy.

It's nice getting some pictures.  I never had pictures of Gemini Travesia before.  I should probably have hired an artist to create one -- but I was too cheap.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Afterthoughts about Gemini Travesía


I'm trying to cut & paste from Word and I'm getting an image.  That's weird.

Here's the first tweet in a thread about Gemini Travesía

Transcription of this thread 

 I still fantasize a lot about the real actor who inspired the "Gemini Travesía" character in my second novel.  

I know that the real man is likely in compatible.  He prefers much younger women.  He belongs to weird cult that I don't want to join.  He loves high speed & aerial activities that horrify me.  He has a reputation of being controlling, even a bully, in person.  He's been divorced repeatedly.  

Yet, still, I fantasize.  I think what I really want is someone who is that exciting, without the various issues that would make us incompatible.  

Probably I resort to fantasy, because I don't think that I could possibly attract someone that exciting.  

And what makes him exciting?  In part it's his personal charisma and good looks -- but, in part, it's that so many other people find him exciting.  Talk show hosts find him exciting enough to have him on their shows repeatedly.  

That's really a measure of being exciting.  So far I have never done anything that would put me in that category.

From a  12 step perspective, I shouldn't want this.

I should be surrendered to my own comfortable, middle class life, my own perfectly fine friends, my own children (who happen to be homebound with mental illness), etc.

In all likelihood, my life is better than his in many respects.  I've only been divorced once, for instance.

Yet, still, the fantasy is there.


Another tweet thread on this topic

pasting text of entire thread

I'm still thinking of this puppet in my head -- the one that I clothe with the identity of my favorite movie star, the one I call "Gemini Travesía" in my second book.  In some sense, I feel that my constantly manipulating this puppet is an addictive, self-medicatingbehavior.  That's part of what takes me to SLAA.

I haven't been willing to give him up, because I'm thinking of writing a co-quel to the second book, with a different version of the story -- tho, as usual, there are a number of competing versions and I'm not sure that I'm ready to choose one, or which one I would choose.

In my head, I was just sitting in a restaurant at a table with my puppet.  He was intrigued with me, wanting to learn more about me, smiling at me. 

When I think of giving him up, he is disappointed.  He wants to keep talking to me. 

Of course, that's not real.  I want to keep talking to him, in fact.  I want to keep self-medicating with this idea that this special person would actually want to spend time with me; when, in fact, when he goes out on dates, it's with much younger women.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Confusing changes to the English language

These are recent posts on X. 

I may post more on this topic later.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Trust -- third concept of 12 step service -- and surrender

 Today I want to talk today about the 3rd concept of OA service:

        3. The right of decision, based on trust, makes effective leadership possible.


This is a very hard concept right now.  There are so many reasons not to trust

  • Deep fake AI
  • Deliberate disinformation distributed both by domestic and foreign actors
  • Corruption 
  • Unfounded conspiracy theories
  • Scam messages (phone, e-mail, social media)

Also it is hard to trust God.  Look what is happening in the world: genocide; hunger; war; natural disasters; all manner of suffering and horrendous obstacles to life itself.

But, in fact, nothing works if we lack trust.  If we are constantly plotting, hiding, doubting, mistrusting, nothing works.  Society falls apart.  We cannot even drive a car without trusting other drivers to behave themselves.

If we trust God, we can be more serene, not trying to control things that in fact we cannot control.  People who trust God live longer, because they have less stress.  People who trust God are less likely to engage in self-destructive compulsive behavior like addiction.

If people trust each other, there is so much less work in checking, counter-checking, installing security devices and software.  

Yet, I find that people reaching out to me on social media are almost invariably scammers.  On Instagram, in my real name account, I have to block several scammers every single day. Yesterday, I went through my hidden message requests and had to block a dozen scammers.

It's very hard to operate with trust in these circumstances.

I noticed recently that FB messenger they've introduced a 6 digit PIN.  I'm resisting creating one, because it seems like too much trouble -- yet I know that they've been plagued by hackers and this is what they're doing to try to combat that.  I never want to click on links in FB messenger, because I know that's how you get hacked.

When I was growing up, it was not the case that people called us with scams.  Of course, at that time long distance phone calls cost money, while now most plans have unlimited long distance calling within the USA.  It's that very nice thing of having essentially free long distance that makes scams so easy.

Yet, trust is what keeps the peace.  Trust is what makes things work.  Trust is what allows us to surrender to God.  Trust is what makes us realize that we are not in charge, that we can't control things, that only HP can control things, so that we have to trust whether we like it or not.

Sort of a conundrum -- yet so important.