My 7 novels: "The Story of S___;" "When Alice Met Her Favorite Movie Star in an Elevator," "The Pop Star and the Child Prodigy," and "Elves in Detroit" Books 1-4. This blog has essays and poetry. My twitter: @AnnalisseMayer; Goodreads:; Linkedin: NB: Annalisse Mayer is a pseudonym
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Comments regarding excluding kids from Lady Gaga's concert in Korea
I personally love Gaga, but I am 55. I can see rating her concerts R. I don't think she does the most extreme things in the concerts like she does on some of the videos.
Gaga is wonderfully creative.
Yes, she does things with the intention of shocking. Yes, I think somehow the more we try to shock the less shocking everything becomes and we have to keep upping the shock value to get the same result -- which is a bit frightening. Nevertheless, what she does is really art. It's not porn. It's not done with the intent of titillating. It's done with the intent of making us think, and think deeply.
For instance, we might feel uncomfortable seeing men in fishnets & high heels, but in fact that's just a fashion prejudice. We might feel comfortable seeing Gaga pretend to give birth, but giving birth is not fundamentally an obscene thing.
For all Gaga's desire to be bisexual and include gays in her performance, her personal life shows pretty clearly that she is straight -- that she cannot choose to be bi, even if she wants to be, because she wasn't born that way. For me, that is, one of the more thought-provoking parts of this story.
And the dancing and choreography are beyond fabulous.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
This is a paper that I submitted last year in a college course
I started out wanting to find out if there was a way to diagnose
addiction by brain imaging. I hoped I might find information useful to some of
my friends in my OA program, because such images might be help them decide that
they really need to work the program or might have helped one of them avoid
jail time. After talking to an expert
in the field, I concluded that that such diagnosis was not yet possible, so I
just read various documents about addiction, imaging the addict brain, use of
images in court, and diagnosis of addiction without imaging.
I became interested in the subject of
addiction after I joined Overeaters Anonymous (“OA”) in October of 2004. [i]
In 2005, I read C. Brownlee, “Food Fix:
Neurobiology highlights similarities between obesity and drug addiction”
Science News, Sept. 3, 2005; Vol. 168, No. 10, p. 155 This article had portions relating to locations
and functions of the brain associated with addiction. In the summer of 2007,
Time Magazine ran an issue featuring addiction on the front cover. This article had very impressive images
purporting to show what cravings looked like in the brain. There is a simplified version of this article
at “Addiction and the Brain”,31813,1640235,00.html I thought I had copies of both of these articles
stored in my computer, but now I cannot find them, only citations to them;
however, the point is that they caused me to become curious about imaging the
brain to diagnose addiction.
I hoped such imaging could be useful in
two areas.
First, my experience in OA is that most
people who are addicts are unable to admit to themselves that they have this
problem, that they cannot control their behavior. Generally, if a person does not believe s/he
is addicted, s/he will not seek treatment.
It seemed to me that an actual imaging diagnosis would be helpful in
convincing addicts that they do in fact have this disease and therefore need
Second, I had a sponsee[iii] who was also a drug
addict, who kept getting thrown in jail for her drug use. When in jail, she relapsed into her food
bingeing behavior, because she was taken away from her support group. The common belief in the twelve step rooms is
that addiction is a disease. A disease
cannot be cured by imprisonment, normally.
It seemed to me, as an attorney, that -- if one could prove by brain
imaging that she had a mental illness that caused her drug behaviors -- then
she could not be considered to have the mens
rea[iv] necessary for
conviction of a crime and would not be able to be imprisoned,[v] and therefore would
not be taken away from her support group.
Those first articles led me to suppose
that if I looked through the literature, I might find more articles that would
show how to diagnose addiction based on brain imaging. I downloaded a large number of articles that
had images of brains of drug addicts.
Most of these articles were over my head. Many of them referred to a team of
researchers at Brookhaven Laboratories on Long Island, which caught my
attention, because my father used to work there. I decided to call one researcher whose name I
saw several times, Dr. Joanna Fowler.
She was very kind and actually called me back. She said that the research is not there
yet. There are patterns that tend to be
typical of addicts, but they overlap with patterns seen in the general
population, and therefore cannot be the basis of a definitive diagnosis. [vi]
This sort of took the wind out of my
sails, so I am just going to try to summarize some articles I found.
Main Portion
First I downloaded a huge number of
academic articles, most of which I find incomprehensible, unfortunately,
because they refer to tiny obscure parts and chemistry of the brain and many of
them deal with only a single drug or the effects of the drug after use, as
opposed to diagnosing addiction There
are copies of them in this notebook, though.
I did find Nora Volkow, a prominent
addiction expert, saying essentially what I thought about the topic of
imprisoning drug addicts, on line at
“Addiction is a brain disease. I'd send them to treatment, not prison.“ NORA D.
VOLKOW, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, supporting the Vienna
Declaration, a statement that calls for drug users to be spared arrest and
offered clean needles and methadone instead July 10, 2010,26174,2006052,00.html
I had seen her name on several articles in my searching. I also found an
article about Volkow: M. Duenwald, “A Scientists’s Lifetime of Study into the
Mysteries of Addiction,” New York Times, 8/19/03 p. F5. It turns out that she’s written hundreds of
articles on addiction and is a great grand-daughter of Leon Trotsky[vii]
In J. Rosen, “The Brain on the Stand,”
New York Times 3/11/07 p. E48, I learned that my idea about using brain images
to to exonerate or attempt to exonerate criminals or reduce their sentences was
not at all new. The most common such use
is in capitol punishment cases to attempt to avoid the death sentence, for
instance by identifying a cyst in the arachnoid membrane around the brain or by
showing how the adolescent brain is less responsible for crimes committed than
an adult brain would be. In another
case, a researcher testified that injury to the amygdala of a perpetrator
resulted in him becoming a serial rapist & murderer. Drug addiction was mentioned in passing as an
example of where images might show loss of conscious control. Avenues of research for using brain imaging
in court included monitoring brain reactions of potential jurors to attempt to
determine which would be best for a case; and as a more reliable type of lie
The article described the philosophical
and ethical issues that arise from the idea of brain function exonerating the
criminal. There is still the
possibility that it will turn out that no one has rational control of any
behavior, that reason is a post hoc illusion[viii]. In such a case, the entire criminal law might
be eviscerated.
The National Institute for Drug Abuse
and Addiction, has some helpful summary articles about addiction e.g. at “Why
do People Abuse Drugs?” and “Drug Use Changes
the Brain” These articles include
a simplified diagram of the brain, which I am
including as an appendix, showing regions involved in the craving process --
those regions being the prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate gyrus, the
orbitofrontal cortex, the subcallosal cortex, the nucleus accumbens, the
ventral pallidum, the hippocampus, and the
amygdala[ix]; and
a diagrams relating to the role of addiction in
the dopamine process at the synapses in the brain..
The latter diagrams look very similar
to diagrams that we had in class with respect to acetylcholine at synapses,
except that dopamine is being studied rather than acetylcholine. I wish I had had this NIDA material before I
tried to read the academic articles, but I wonder about the simplified
approach, as the book I looked at, Koob & Moal,The Neurobiology of
Addiction Elsevier 2006 (“Koob & Moal”) listed 19 different
“Neurocircuitry Theories of Addiction”
in chapter 9 -- each with lovely illustrations, just like our textbook
has, but none apparently being considered definitive at least at the time of
publication of the book. Granted this
book is more than four years old and the NIDA website could be current, but I
suspect that, given what Joanna Fowler said, the NIDA website is
I gather from several of the documents
I’ve read, at least one central mechanism in addiction is that initial exposure
to the addictive substance creates pleasure by stimulating more dopamine or
D2. After a while, the body develops
tolerance and the number of D2 receptors declines, so that the addict has to
take more of the substance just to feel normal.
In that vein, Dunn et al, “Decreased
dopamine type 2 receptor availability after bariatric surgery: Preliminary
findings,” Brain Research 1350 (2010) 123-130. [x]
documented physiological changes in the patients’ bodies that made them want to
eat less after bariatric surgery. In
particular, some of the damage to the dopamine system present in obesity seemed
to be reversed by the surgery, so that patients enjoyed their food more, felt
more satisfied, and therefore ate less.
Given that I gave up on finding imaging
based diagnosis of addiction, I looked at how addiction is diagnosed, absent an
imaging diagnosis. Koob & Moal, in
their chapter 1, reviewed definitions of drug abuse and dependence from various
sources. One was DSM IV from the
American Psychiatric Association in 1994.
Another was ICD-10 from the World Health Organization. They summarized these with the terms:
clustering criterion, tolerance, withdrawal, impaired control, neglect of
activities, time spent, continued use despite problems, and compulsive
use. However, there were other views,
which included
“Psychiatric View of Addiction,” including
aspects of impulse control and compulsive disorders;
“Psychodynamic View of Addiction,” which
included disordered emotions, disordered self care, disordered self-esteem, and
disordered relationships leading to self-medication.
Social Psychological/self-regulation view of
addiction, with lapses leading to distress leading to further failures
Another interesting
thing I learned from this book is that brain imaging is not fast enough to get
actual movement of information in the brain, but only indicates regions that
are active.[xi]
An article I found particularly
interesting was Avena et al, “Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and
neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake”, Neuroscience
and Biobehavioral Reviews 32 (2008) 20-39[xii]. This article looked for four main symptoms as
evidence of addiction: bingeing, withdrawal, craving, and sensitization. The authors found that rats who were exposed
to excessive sugar intermittently developed these four symptoms, while rats who
had continuous exposure to sugar did not.
For me, this tended to confirm my suspicion that dieting can lead to
food addiction, but the rats studied were quite different from people in that
the ones who binged did not necessarily get fat as they were able to regulate
their total calorie intake, which is not at all the case with many people.
In my program, I have learned from Alcoholics
Anonymous (Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc. 2001 4th ed.) (aka “Big
Book”) to define addiction in terms of an “allergy of the body,” p.xxviii,
which is not a histamine allergy, but an abnormal reaction of the body which
results in the “phenomenon of cravings” p. xxix upon exposure to the addictive
substance; and a “peculiar mental twist” p.33,
which results in the repeated finding of an “insanely trivial excuse”
p.37 to pick up the addictive substance despite having resolved not to do so --
though the various definitions reviewed by Koob & Moal all have familiar
The Big Book encourages the addict to
look for recovery in a “vital spiritual experience.” p. 27 This has has given me a long term interest in
the research of Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has been studying the brains of
experienced Buddhist meditators, particularly Tibetan Buddhist. I sometimes go to Madison, because I am
originally from there and my father was a professor there, so I once went by
Professor Davidson’s office, after being unsuccessful in contacting him by
e-mail. I left him a long, hand-written letter trying to encourage him to look
into using his research for the treatment of addiction, but I never heard back
from him. I also once spoke to a
neuroscience researcher at Columbia University and asked him to look into
this. When I spoke with Dr. Fowler this
semester, it turned out she had never heard of Professor Davidson’s research,
so I sent her a copy of P. B. Reiner, “Meditation on Demand: New research
reveals the cell mechanisms underlying a meditative state,” Scientific American
Mind (November/December 2009) p. 64-67.
I hope she read it and that finally there will be some connection in the
scientific research community between addiction research and meditation
I have to make more modest objectives for myself
when trying to write a ten page paper for a freshman biology class -- scaling
back not being an easy undertaking for me.
Diagnosis of addiction from brain imaging is
likely going to be possible, but not yet.
Brain imaging diagnosis could help exonerate
addicts from addiction related crimes in courts of law.
Some drug addiction experts agree with me that
imprisonment is not the best way to help addicts recover.
Diagnosis of addiction, without images, is
ambiguous at best, which is not very helpful to people who need to know whether they are really addicted
in order to motivate themselves to get treatment, or who keep getting thrown in
prison for crimes they are unable to stop themselves from committing
While 12-steppers generally believe that prayer
and meditation are useful in addiction treatment, scientific researchers do not
seem to be looking into the scientific implications of that.
Bibliography (in order of appearance)
Brownlee, “Food Fix: Neurobiology highlights similarities between obesity and
drug addiction” Science News, Sept. 3, 2005; Vol. 168, No. 10, p. 155
and the Brain” Time magazine online,31813,1640235,00.html
Duenwald, “A Scientists’s Lifetime of Study into the Mysteries of Addiction,”
New York Times, 8/19/03 p. F5
Rosen, “The Brain on the Stand,” New York Times 3/11/07 p. E48
et al, “Decreased dopamine type 2 receptor availability after bariatric
surgery: Preliminary findings,” Brain Research 1350 (2010) 123-130
& Moal,The Neurobiology of Addiction Elsevier 2006
et al, “Evidence for sugar addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical effects of
intermittent, excessive sugar intake”, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
32 (2008) 20-39
Alcoholics Anonymous (Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc. 2001 4th ed.)
B. Reiner, “Meditation on Demand: New research reveals the cell mechanisms
underlying a meditative state,” Scientific American Mind (November/December
2009) p. 64-67
Second Bibliography (not well
This is a list of articles that I glanced at, but did not
cite directly above:
W.3.03 Brain imaging studies in human addicts M.R.C.
Daglish, D.J. Nutt. Psychopharmacology Unit,
University of Bristol, UK
Modelling human drug abuse and addiction with
dedicated small animal positron emission tomography
Jeffrey W. Dalley a, b, c, *, Tim D. Fryer a, d,
Franklin I. Aigbirhio a, d, Laurent Brichard a, d, Hugh K. Richards a, e, Young
T. Honga,d, Jean-Claude Barona,d,f, Barry J. Everitta,b, Trevor W. Robbinsa
Neuropharmacology 56 (2009) 9–17
Individual differences in prefrontal cortex function
and the transition from drug use to drug dependence
Olivier George∗,
George F. Koob Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 35 (2010) 232–247
Human brain imaging and
substance abuse Anne Lingford-Hughes Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2005,
London et al.,
“Orbitalfrontal Cortex: Human Drug Abuse: Functional Imaging”, Cerebral
Cortext, March 2000, 10:334-342
Decision-making and addiction (part I):
impaired activation of somatic states in substance dependent individuals when
pondering decisions with negative future consequences Antoine Bechara∗, Hanna Damasio Neuropsychologia 40 (2002) 1675–1689
Cocaine addiction: Diffusion
tensor imaging study of the inferior frontal and anterior cingulate white
matter Maria J. Romeroa,b, Samuel Asensioa, Carmina Palauc, Amparo Sancheza,
Francisco J. Romeroa,⁎Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 181 (2010) 57–63 (after the fact)
Hyperinsulinemic obesity and
carbohydrate addiction: the missing link is the carbohydrate frequency factor
R.F. Heller , a and Rachael F. Hellera
Medical Hypotheses Volume 42, Issue 5, May 1994, Pages 307-312 (abstract
Neural mechanisms underlying
obesity and drug addiction Richard Trinkoa, Robert M. Searsa, Douglas J.
Guarnieria and Ralph J. DiLeone
Physiology & Behavior Volume 91, Issue 5, 15 August 2007, Pages
499-505 (abstract only)
Mitral Valve Prolapse and
November 1, 1985 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY Volume 56 pp. 808-9
(interesting to me, because I have mitral valve prolapse, at least when I don’t
have enough water & salt)
Thalamo-cortical dysfunction
in cocaine abusers: Implications in attention and perception
Dardo Tomasia,⁎, Rita Z.
Goldsteina, Frank Telanga, Thomas Malone
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 155 (2007) 189–201
Cognitive control of drug
craving inhibits brain reward regions in cocaine abusers Nora D. Volkow a,b,⁎,
Joanna S. Fowler c, Gene-Jack Wang c, Frank Telang b, Jean Logan c, Millard
Jayne b, Yeming Ma b, Kith Pradhan c, Christopher Wong c, James M. Swanson
d NeuroImage 49 (2010) 2536–2543
The addicted human brain
viewed in the light of imaging studies: brain circuits and treatment strategies
Nora D. Volkow a,b,c,, Joanna
S. Fowler d, Gene-Jack Wangc Neuropharmacology 47 (2004) 3–13
Volkow & Fowler, “Addiction:
A Disease of Compulsion & Drive: Involvement of the orbito-frontal cortex,”
Cerebral Cortex, March 2000, 10:318-328
Reward, dopamine and the
control of food intake: implications for obesity Nora D. Volkow1, Gene-Jack
Wang2 and Ruben D. Baler1 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
doi:10.1016/j.tics.2010.11.001 Trends in Cognitive Sciences, January 2011, Vol.
15, No. 1 (review of a book)
Overlapping neuronal circuits
in addiction and obesity: evidence of systems pathology Nora D. Volkow1,2,*,
Gene-Jack Wang3, Joanna S. Fowler3 and Frank Telang2 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B
(2008) 363, 3191–3200
Brain dopamine and obesity
Gene-Jack Wang, Nora D Volkow, Jean Logan, Naomi R Pappas, Christopher T Wong,
Wei Zhu, Noelwah Netusil, Joanna Fowler THE LANCET • Vol 357 • February 3, 2001
Exposure to appetitive food
stimuli markedly activates the human brain Gene-Jack Wang,a,* Nora D.
Volkow,a,1 Frank Telang,a Millard Jayne,a Jim Ma,a Manlong Rao,b Wei Zhu,b
Christopher T. Wong,a Naomi R. Pappas,a Allan Geliebter,c and Joanna S. Fowlerd
NeuroImage 21 (2004) 1790– 1797
OA is a 12 step program
that treats overeating as a manifestation of an addiction, and is modeled on
the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. At
the time I joined, I weighed 190 lbs and I now weigh somewhere around 140, plus
or minus 5 lbs, most of the time.
[ii] I had one friend who died in
2009, top weight 800 lbs,, who was still unable to admit that he could not
control his eating behavior; something that was perfectly apparent to anyone
else. Alcoholics Anonymous cited
below has an ominous portion relating to the issue of convincing addicts that
they have this problem. It says, at p.
30, “The idea that he will some day be able to control and enjoy his drinking
is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker. The persistence of this
illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it
into the gates of insanity or death,” something I saw in my friend.
[v] When I started this paper, I
believed that this particular sponsee was dead or in prison, because I had not
heard from her. Since then I did hear
from her and learned that she has been clean of both illegal drugs and bingeing
on food for more than a year, so I am moderating my opinion somewhat as to
whether imprisonment was effective in helping her; but the point was that my
initial opinion was that imaging might be useful in her situation, which helped
get me started here.
[vi] but cf “HANLEY
Groundbreaking Images Demonstrate That Addiction Is A Brain Illness; Helps
Predict Patient Relapse (5/25/10) This article purports to do some sort of
diagnosis of addiction from images, but it is somewhat vague. It sounds more like they’re still trying to
figure out how to use these images.
[vii] She is not political herself,
but spent time in Paris where she met Trotskyites. I was an exchange student in Paris, myself,
and had several friend who were Trotskyites there.
That is certainly my
impression of my own functioning, that I have little or no choice as to what I
do and am constantly frustrated by my choices for use of my time.
i just sent this
diagram to a sponsee and asked her to focus her meditations on the areas
pictured, to see if that helped her cravings.
I think that kind of visualization helped me.
In OA, we only see
bariatric surgery failures, people who gain back the weight they lost through
surgery. I know one person who has had
bariatric surgery twice and is gaining the weight back a second time. I heard a friend of friend story of someone
back up at 500 lbs not too long after surgery, because he figured out how to
drink a lot of frappes. I know another
person whose 23 year old daughter died 5 days after the lap band surgery
leaving a 2 year old daughter. I always
am a bit surprised by the assertions in articles like this that the surgery is
typically successful, because that is not my experience in OA, but of course we
have a self-selecting sample.
This is something that
I want to find out more about later, because another topic of interest to me is
designing biofeedback techniques to stop addictive behavior, which it seems to
me might require actually seeing information movement in the brain.
I sent a copy to a
sponsee who wondered how on earth I had found time to locate such an article.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
(a poem) On looking at a picture of Barack Obama sitting in Rosa Parks bus
response to
I'm a lazy poet. I probably could write good poetry if I spent time on it, but I'm impatient. Can't be bothered to make it rhyme, but I write it anyway, occasionally.
So I wrote this little poem after seeing the photo at the link above.
A thin man in a bus seat
A special bus seat
A historical bus seat
A bus
An old bus
A historical bus
A woman
An ordinary woman
An extraordinary woman
A woman sat in the bus seat
A woman in the past
When the bus was newer
The thin man
Wearing an ordinary suit
Looking out the window
Of a bus
Sitting still
Parked in a museum
Two images -- separated
By marches, lawsuits, burning crosses
Many people talking, screaming, crying
Two people
Separated by time,
Just sitting. Just sitting?
And it whizzes by
And we go forward
And are erased, all of us
Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras
und alle Herrlichkeit des Menschen wie des Grases Blumen.
Das Gras ist verdorret und die Blume abgefallen.
A man sits at a keyboard
A woman sits at a keyboard
One makes music, the other writes
We all pass into history
Some are remembered longer than others
All are gone, eventually
Yet, in the fading,
Of a bus, of a woman, of a man,
Sometimes, we feel a tug
A tug into the past
That makes it linger
Just a bit more
edited 11/27/12
Monday, April 16, 2012
On eating placenta
I have two children, ages 14 and 17, who were both born using certified nurse midwives.
After the birth of my first child, I had a craving to eat the placenta, but the midwife discouraged me, so I didn’t eat it. I strongly regretted this decision. I kept thinking about that placenta and how much I wanted to eat it for months afterwards.
I decided with the second child that I would eat the placenta. I got my certified nurse midwife to agree to this. My son was born precipitously in the parking lot of the birthing center, caught by my husband, but the midwife caught the placenta.
She kept her agreement with me and let me eat it, raw.
It was delicious. It didn’t need salt and tasted like the best steak I’ve ever eaten. I ate it in several stages, with ginger ale to drink. It had some stringy parts, but I ate those too.
Afterwards, I felt great.
What was remarkable was that I had very little bleeding after that birth, no more than a heavy period. The bleeding stopped after two weeks and I had my first period at six weeks, despite nursing full time on demand. My period continued regularly after that despite nursing my son until he was 3 years old. My recovery from that second birth was much more rapid in general than after the first birth and I had much more energy.
Granted the delivery was a lot easier with the second birth, but I suspect that eating the placenta raw contributed to my rapid recovery from childbirth. Of course, this is only one anecdotal story, but I would hope that some research would be done on this topic to see if others would have better recoveries from birth if they ate the placenta.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Statistics show more unmarried parents having babies and also many people postponing children until later in life, see
Marriage has become a fraudulent institution -- promoting conspicuous consumption in the form of elaborate weddings with no real commitment attached, and enormous financial and legal ramifications, both in the areas of tax and divorce. It is no wonder that no one has confidence in it any more, except for gay people, who crave it mostly because it is denied them.
Unfortunately, the current situation promotes huge numbers of children being raised in poverty.
Moreover, older parents are not better parents. The latest psychological studies show that children of fathers over 35 have increased instances of ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, and bi-polar disorder -- and the instances increase with increasing age. With older parents, the kids' childhood is clouded with the mood swings of the mother's perimenopause and the father's male midlife crisis. Such kids -- and I was one of them -- grow up in an unhealthy atmosphere of extreme drama.
Contraception allows people to postpone children. In fact, there is no convenient time to have kids. It's always inconvenient. Postponing children has its own risks. I know many baby boomers who intensely regret their decisions not to have children.
Marriage has become a fraudulent institution -- promoting conspicuous consumption in the form of elaborate weddings with no real commitment attached, and enormous financial and legal ramifications, both in the areas of tax and divorce. It is no wonder that no one has confidence in it any more, except for gay people, who crave it mostly because it is denied them.
Unfortunately, the current situation promotes huge numbers of children being raised in poverty.
Moreover, older parents are not better parents. The latest psychological studies show that children of fathers over 35 have increased instances of ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, and bi-polar disorder -- and the instances increase with increasing age. With older parents, the kids' childhood is clouded with the mood swings of the mother's perimenopause and the father's male midlife crisis. Such kids -- and I was one of them -- grow up in an unhealthy atmosphere of extreme drama.
Contraception allows people to postpone children. In fact, there is no convenient time to have kids. It's always inconvenient. Postponing children has its own risks. I know many baby boomers who intensely regret their decisions not to have children.